
As a former model and lover of swimwear, Jenn Barlow wants to take you on a journey to find out what's Behind the Bikini.
Sun kissed skin, exotic beauties and barely there bikinis make AMI Swimwear one of a kind. Follow fashion forward host Jenn Barlow down the runway as she explores the naked truth about AMI swimwear.

TiTLE .................: Behind.the.Bikini.-.AMI.Swimwear
GENRE .................: Documentary
FiLE SiZE .............: 580 MiB
RUNTiME ...............: 23m:57s
LANGUAGE ..............: English
SOURCE ................: 1080i.HDTV.DD2.0.MPEG2-TrollHD(all thx)
ViDEO CODEC ...........: x264 High L4.1 2pass @ 3385 Kbps
RESOLUTION ............: 1280 x 704
FRAME RATE ............: 23.976 fps
AUDiO CODEC ...........: AC-3 @ 384 kbps
RELEASE DATE ..........: 01/13/2012
ENCODE BY .............: NiNE@PuTao
NOTES .................: forget to up, enjoy~~! ;)
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